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    We end the fines.

    We are neighbors

    non speculators.

    Are you an affected?

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    We end the fines.

    The law punishes

    to people they

    wanted to defend

    Are you an affected?

  • slider-image

    We end the fines.

    The City Council applies

    a regulation that does

    not it exists in no other

    city ​​of the world.

    Are you an affected?

  • slider-image

    We end the fines.

    We are neighbors

    not mafias.

    Are you an affected?

Punish the neighbors who said they wanted to protect,

it makes no sense

In the middle of unprecedented economic crisis and increasingly precarious working conditions, many of the city’s underserved residents have been forced in recent years to seek alternative and additional sources of income to survive. Some of us chose to sporadically rent our house or a room in our home.

Since the end of 2016, Barcelona City Council has been fining flats that are rented through Airbnb without a tourist license automatically. Most members of this association share the spirit of this law. In fact, many of us are voters of the parties that have pushed for these policies. So what happened?

Fines of between 60,000 and 600,000 euros

for placing and ad

Now, in times of pandemic, the City Council has carried out a campaign of consummated facts, applying the law quickly and indiscriminately, with inaccurate protocols and without notifying it properly, which makes us suspect a clear desire collectors.

More than 250 neighbors

affected people and without resources not even to defend themselves.

As a result, these excessive punishments have unfairly fallen on hundreds of individuals, the vast majority young or modest families, with a fragile economy. We now find that most of the proceedings that had been stopped have been reopened during the pandemic.

Many of our colleagues, neighbors, are victims of this conflict between the platform and the City Council, with devastating consequences for their lives and health. Foreclosures, lawsuits and litigation are costly and time consuming, families have collapsed, young couples have had to leave the country or sell their flat in order to overcome this situation of helplessness, without forgetting the psychological effects that these events can have.

We are victims

of the conflict between the Airbnb platform and the City Council.

It is worth mentioning that, in our association, there is no person who has continued with the activity after receiving the notice of cessation, and that all members of this association agree to stop real estate speculation. associated with the tourism that our city suffers.

We just ask for common sense.

We ask that the City Council listen to us and open an urgent mediation process to end the conflict.


We call for an end to the unfair lawsuits that the city council is actively pursuing against residents who have occasionally rented their usual residence, or a room.


We ask for the seizures of assets be immediately annulled.


We ask that no automatic protocol be followed and that this be done on a case-by-case basis. We call for new inspection protocols to be put in place to avoid further unfair sanctions.


We ask for the enforcement of automatic protocols and deserving reviews of each and every case.


We call on the competent authorities to reach an agreement to regulate the activity, unambiguously and once and for all.


And, of course, we call for an end to the mafias, vulture funds and speculative activity linked to tourism.

Who we are

We are not mafia. We are not speculators. We are not vulture funds. We are not big property owners. We are not companies. We are not organizations, but we have organized ourselves.

We are residents of Barcelona, ​​individuals, who rented their home (usual residence) sporadically, and in some cases, only placed an ad. We did it out of economic necessity and not for speculative purposes.p>

Our association is not driven by any political party or sponsored by any lobby or funded by any platform for political, business or lucrative interests.

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In the process of embargo


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Closed by ACABA


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